Skeena north moose regulations summary brochure
Spring Bear Season Manage the attractants near your home
Motorists urged to use road sense and not cause ‘bear jams’ on B.C. roadways
- B.C. posted Apr 8, 2017 at 9:00 AM
- 0
Conservation officers are warning drivers of dopey, hungry bears emerging from hibernation.
Also manage the attractants near your home
Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) Applications Now Online
Click here to go to BC Hunting Online Services where you can apply for a Limited Entry Hunting draw, review the status of your application, or find draw results.
Grizzly spring draw results now available
Government Hunting Services Going Online
In April 2016, the Province will introduce a new online system that will improve the overall efficiency of hunter services. Initially the online service will be for Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) applications. In the future, the system will integrate a range of online services for hunters, including licensing.
Hunters will have 24-hour online access to hunting services from any computer with an internet connection and will be able to view and track their Limited Entry Hunting applications online.
To provide access to the new system, hunter numbers will be replaced with a new Fish and Wildlife ID (FWID).
Hunters with an existing hunter number will be assigned a FWID (which will include their old hunter number) and a Resident Hunting Credential. New hunters will need to register and apply for their FWID and Resident Hunting Credential.
For more info click here
LEH Notice to Hunters
Notice to Hunters
Changes are coming to Hunter Registration and the Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) Draw.
The Province will introduce a new online system for hunters in 2016, making it easier for you to register and apply for Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) draws.
You can submit LEH applications online at home, or at a Service BC, FrontCounter BC, or at a vendor location. The online service will be available for the Fall 2016 LEH Draw. More information will be provided in the 2016-2017 Limited Entry Hunting Regulations Synopsis.
You can no longer purchase paper application forms for the Fall 2016 LEH Draw or the 2016 Special Sheep LEH Draw. Application forms for the Spring 2016 LEH Draw can be purchased only at the following locations:
All Service BC locations during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Note: You do not need a hunter number or license to purchase an application form.
If you have already purchased application forms, you can use them for the Spring 2016 or Fall 2016 LEH Draw. After the Fall 2016 LEH Draw, paper application forms will NOT be accepted. You can email the Fish and Wildlife Branch at, or call 1-877-855-3222 FREE
The following document illustrates the evolution of wildlife allocation in BC by region, species, and the split between resident hunters and guide outfitters:
Summary: The Evolution of Wildlife Allocation in BC [PDF]
For more information on Wildlife Allocation in B.C., visit the Wildlife Committee page at the BCWF website
News Release For Immediate Release – December 10, 2014 Sweeping changes to B.C.’s wildlife allocations could result in 5,000 fewer hunting licences going to residents
See this link to check your results, good luck
Bull Boards