BUSH LEAGUE .22 MATCH – October 22

Club member, Ron Lee is organizing a .22 match for Saturday October 22, 2022 at the outdoor range. This promises to be a lot of fun with teams of 2 (shooter/spotter) and an entry fee of only $5 each. The match is a combination PR and SIL and 100 rounds per shooter will get the job done. If you want to do some practice shooting, show up at the outdoor range at 9:30 am. Practice targets will be set out at 100 yards. The match starts at 10:00 am and the course of fire will be explained during the match.

Contact Ron if you have any questions: 250 357-9984, or email canadasteeldust@gmail.com

3D Archery Course Closure

Due to safety concerns the 3D course at the outdoor range will close permanently, effective September 7th 2022.  This is due to portions of the course being in the direct line of fire with the trap range.  A new safe course layout has been agreed upon for next spring.