Author Archives: Josh Milligan

BC Hunting Important Notice

The Province is implementing a mandatory sampling program that requires hunters to submit the heads from deer harvested in wildlife management units 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 and 4-7 in the Kootenay Region, after Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks discovered five animals with Chronic Wasting Disease 60 km south of the B.C. border.

Outdoor Range Closure A Project Mapleseed event.

The range will be closed Thursday June 28th for the A Project Mapleseed event.

This project is designed to provide structured and safe rifle fundamentals to hunters and shooters of all ages and provides a solid framework of basic rifleman skills that benefits new and experienced shooters alike.  See the May 2018 newsletter and the Eventbrite registration website for more details.