Author Archives: Josh Milligan

Outdoor Range Orientation Document

Please review the NEW!! Outdoor Range Orientation Document for 2021. This document reflects our current Club policies and includes important information for both new members and long time members alike. Generally our Outdoor Ranges only have designated Range Officers for sanctioned Club events. That means we rely on the membership to participate in the day to day safe utilization and maintenance of the Outdoor Range facilities. Please become familiar with the attached rules and procedures for the benefit of all our members, and the sustainment of our great Club.
Naz King

BC Hunting Important Notice

The Province is implementing a mandatory sampling program that requires hunters to submit the heads from deer harvested in wildlife management units 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 and 4-7 in the Kootenay Region, after Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks discovered five animals with Chronic Wasting Disease 60 km south of the B.C. border.

Outdoor Range Closure A Project Mapleseed event.

The range will be closed Thursday June 28th for the A Project Mapleseed event.

This project is designed to provide structured and safe rifle fundamentals to hunters and shooters of all ages and provides a solid framework of basic rifleman skills that benefits new and experienced shooters alike.  See the May 2018 newsletter and the Eventbrite registration website for more details.